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Educating global citizens for a changing world


Clemente Family Update 11/07/2021

Just a reminder, the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) needs to be completed ASAP. If you are a student who is ineligible for FAFSA, you will need to complete the RISE Act/Alternative Application for Illinois Financial Aid.
FAFSA Application Website - https://studentaid.gov/
RISE/Alternative Application - https://studentportal.isac.org/en/alternativeapp

College Spotlight: Dominican University
  • Rolling Admission as of October 15th
  • Priority Deadline: November 15, 2021 (Will hear back by Winter break)
Location: River Forest, IL
Distance from RCCA: 7 Miles by Car (25 minutes) – Straight west down Division Ave
College Selectivity: Selective
Fun Fact: Dominican University is ranked 4th in Best Value Schools by U.S. News. We currently have 15 students (from the last 3 graduating classes) that are still attending Dominican University and thriving.

Important Dates
  • By October 31th
    • Complete FAFSA & Upload your SAR to Naviance
    • Create your *Verification folder*
      • A verification folder is needed because more likely than not, you will have to complete verification.
      • This could include the following information:
        • Tax Information (Tax Forms, W-2, etc.)
        • Orphan/Ward of Court/Legal Guardian Form (if applicable)
        • Selective Service Confirmation
        • Unaccompanied Youth/Homeless Verification (if applicable)
        • Verification of Citizenship Status
        • Dependency Clarification
    • Apply to at least one college, list it in naviance, and request transcript
    • Obtain one letter of recommendation
  • By November 30th
    • Complete at least 3 College Applications (Recommendation 5-8) and add them to Naviance
      • Chicago City Colleges
      • 1 State School
      • Choice College
team 10
New month, new opportunities for growth! This November has a lot of short weeks, so it is going to fly by. We hope this new quarter is an exciting and productive one.

Check out what sophomores are doing in US History and Math!

In US History we just finished our summative assignment for unit 1, writing indictments for Christopher Columbus for the crime of genocide against the Taino Indians in Puerto Rico. In that unit, students were working on skills related to vocabulary and supporting strong arguments with evidence. This week we're moving on to learning about slavery in Puerto Rico and the Carribean. We'll be working on the skill of assessing the reliability of a source and looking at how different textbooks describe slavery. Students have really impressed me so far with their ability to analyze the reliability of a social media post. I'm looking forward to building on that knowledge! - Mr. KZ

In Integrated Math 2, students are wrapping up Unit 1 with solving linear equations. This particular skill is extremely important to develop skills in because it will be used nearly every day moving forward as we build in Geometry concepts. Students will begin their Unit 1 Summative Assessment, which is a real-world problem where students will act as a land contractor to create a budget proposal for their client. Students will use skills such as unit conversions and area/perimeter to identify the cost of different structures. All throughout Unit 1, students have been practicing IB Criterion A (Knowing and Understanding) and C (Communicating), and will be assessed using these rubrics one last time for their Summative. After the Summative, students will begin to merge the skills of Algebra and Geometry to study and understand their connection. - Mr. Kuch
parent news
Clemente Bilingual Advisory Committee
Comite Asesor de Padres Bilingües
Thursday, November 18, 2021
1:00 PM In Person

  1. Discutir ideas de la ultima reunion | Go over last meeting ideas
  2. Como recibir Notificaciones de Aspen | Aspen Notifications
  3. Sistema de Evaluación | Grading System
    1. CBE/IB grading system
    2. JumpRope
  4. Actualizaciones | New updates
  5. Logisticas para la proxima reunion | Next meeting
    1. En persona o virtual? | In person or virtual
    2. Discutir la Agenda de la proxima reunion | Next meeting’s Agenda
  6. Participacion del publico | Open Forum
  7. Adjournment
IB News
Are you interested in volunteering some time during Lunch to help make space for our new Library collection?

Then come on board!

Please stop by the Library to chat about how your skill set can be used during our big Library renovation/overhaul project.

The Library is always seeking volunteers!
crossing guards
IB News
Sophomores continued their Personal Project journey this week by completing their formal proposals. Students considered different topics of interests, possible products and planned to meet with their mentors. Some ideas that students have come up with include dance tutorials on Tik Tok, learning to cook traditional Puerto Rican food, creating the quintessential metal playlist and more! We can’t wait to see these ideas come to reality!

Didn’t get a chance to finish your proposal? Still need to revisit your idea before meeting with your mentor? Find the proposal form in both English and Spanish here in the Sophomore Google Classroom.
Next steps for the Personal Project are:
  • Complete the proposal form by November 4th! → Encuentre la propuesta en español aquí, ¡también para el 4 de noviembre! (If you did not finish, please get this done!!!)
  • Complete Journal #1 in your Process Journal by November 4th, although you do not need to turn that in until the next of the project → ¡Encuentra el diario de procesos en español aquí! (If you did not finish, please get this done!!!)
    • Opted for it on paper? Feel free to do your Process Journal in your binder instead! Just make sure you know where the binder is!
  • Meet with your mentor! You should have received an email about who your mentor is or checked in about it last week. Still don’t know your mentor? Email Ms. Dryjanski to find out!
  • Plan to be in History classes next week to begin your research and create your Works Cited!
Important Dates

  • November 4th: Personal Project proposal form due! (If you did not finish, please get this done this weekend!!!)
  • November 4th: Journal #1 in your Process Journal due! (If you did not finish, please get this done this weekend!!!)
  • November 9-12: Research organizer and OPVL roll out in Individual & Societies (history) classes! → make sure you’re there for support!
parent news
parent u
Here is a list of information you might be able to benefit from (for more detailed information check out the flyers after the list)

Aquí incluyo información importante de la cual se puede beneficiar (para más detalles vea los volantes después de la lista)

  1. In collaboration with City Colleges of Chicago, we will be offering FREE ESL classes for parents & community members starting in January, if interested fill out this form: https://bit.ly/ESL_clases_de_ingles | En colaboracion con City Colleges of Chicago, vamos a ofrecer clases de ingles GRATIS para padres y miembros de la comunidad en enero 2022, si usted o alguien que usted conoce está interesad@ favor de llenar este formulario: https://bit.ly/ESL_clases_de_ingles
  2. CPS is Hiring Crossing Guards | Se están contratando Ayudantes para cruzar las calles
  3. Chicago Blackhawks’ FREE Community private skating;skates included & different dates
Lleve a toda la familia a patinar GRATIS (patines incluidos, vea las diferentes fechas)
  1. FREE F2F Month of November Virtual Classes | Vea el calendario con las clases gratis
  2. FREE Computer Skills assessment & Get CERTIFIED with FREE Northstar program, if interested fill out this interest form: https://bit.ly/Northstar_interest
Tome el examen para ver cuánto sabe de computadoras, para empezar desde ahí o empiece de cero y CERTIFIQUESE gratuitamente con el programa de Northstar. Si esta interesad@ favor de llenar este formulario: https://bit.ly/Northstar_interest
  1. Mortgage Assistance Grants | Dinero para ayudarle a pagar su hipoteca
  2. $100 Gift Card to get VAXXED at home | Vacunese en su casa y reciba $100
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FOR YOUR FREE LEARNER ACCOUNT FILL OUT THE INTEREST FORM HERE: https://bit.ly/Northstar_interest and we will create your FREE account so you can get started!

Also, if you prefer an in-person computer class, we will offer one once a week if we have enough interest, so feel free to share with friends, family, social media like Facebook, etc.
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PARA SU CUENTA GRATIS LLENE ESTE FORMULARIO: https://bit.ly/Northstar_interest Y CREAREMOS SU CUENTA para que pueda comenzar sus clases de computadoras gratis!
También, si prefiere una clase en persona de computadoras comenzaremos una si hay suficiente interés, así que comparta la información en las redes sociales, como Facebook, etc!
Parent U November
To receive the link to join any of the below FREE Virtual Classes, don’t forget to RSVP HERE

Para recibir el enlace para tomar cualquiera de las clases del calendario de noviembre, no se les olvide registrarse AQUÍ
community skates
community skates dates