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Clemente Juniors go Google over ACT

This fall, a group of RCCA juniors is receiving free ACT tutoring through a collaboration with Griffith Tutoring and Google, helping them to increase their scores on this important gatekeeper test. Griffith Tutoring developed the six-week curriculum, and has assigned Google as the corporate partner implementing the training with RCCA. Participating students receive one-on-one ACT...


Clemente Receives Creative Schools Certification

Clemente Receives Creative Schools Certification Clemente has just received Creative Schools Certification, with recognition for having a Strong Arts Program based on the goals and priorities outlined in the CPS Arts Education Plan. Our rating is based on offering daily fine and performing arts instruction to all grade-levels, utilizing partnerships with organizations such as the...


11th Grade Gets Social

One of the largest and most daunting tasks facing any 11th grade student is getting ready for the ACT exams looming on the horizon. To begin preparation for this big event, our juniors did what any good team does to prepare – they practiced! On Wednesday, the Clemente 11th graders took their first full-length practice...


Freshman Attendance Rally

Clemente’s freshman team kicked off our first Attendance and Supports Rally of the year this last Wednesday with a bang and a FLIP! City Year corps member David Gueringer MC’d the event and started by introducing just some of the freshman class’ most avid sponsors and advocates. The assembly began by cheering on both Ms....


RCCA Students Learn Personal Finance

RCCA Students Learn Personal Finance The seniors in the Civics course are working on a Personal Finance course that has them learning about topics that range from the economic way of thinking to career preparation and managing their money properly. It is an incredibly practical course that they have been very interested in as it...


Clemente Students Build Strong Bonds

Building Bonds Team building is the process of deliberately creating an effective team by focusing on those factors that support (or block) team performance. Our team building activities in P.E. help students becoming better inquirers, thinkers, and communicators. We want our students to become more open-minded to new ideas and work together collectively to achieve...


RCCA Learning Centers Open with a Win!

Learning Centers Open with a Win for Teams 11 and 12 This past Monday, each grade level opened the doors for their Learning Centers in rooms 405, 505, and 605. The Learning Center is a place where all students are welcome to come after school to receive academic support and enrichment, as well as a...



RCCA GETS BUGGY Roberto Clemente Community Academy will be joining thousands of schools from around the world when they install their new Weatherbug system and become an official weather reporting station, providing accurate weather information from the corner of Western and Division to millions of web users and TV weather forecasters – including Chicago’s very...


Students Reflect on the Learner Profile

A Spotlight on the Fine Arts: “Students Reflect on the Learner Profile” In Art II, students explore various ways in which their identity is affected by the world around them. They are also challenged to look at themselves through various perspectives and represent what they find through artistic expression. These reflections are an essential part...


Clemente Swims Again!

Clemente Swims Again! Clemente is proud to announce that we once again have a girls’ swim team! We began practice on the first day of this school year, and girls have been making excellent progress. Not only are girls eager to jump in the pool and have some fun, they are working tirelessly to improve...