Civics Students Explore Ways to Improve their Wealth

Civics Students Explore Ways to Improve their Wealth

Civics Students Explore Ways to Improve their Wealth

How do I open a checking account? What is a certificate of deposit? How do I begin investing? Civics students are exploring these questions and more. For the last several weeks students have investigated the several ways they can make themselves wealthier through investments in stocks, mutual bonds, certificates of deposits, and savings accounts.

Armed with this knowledge, students are now examining the types of risks these investments present as well as how to protect themselves and their finances from such risks. While investment can help one become wealthier, it also puts the individual’s wealth at risk. Finally, in the upcoming weeks, students will be exploring different consumer protection laws and make recommendations to the government about how to better protect consumers from investment risks and fraud while also encouraging the economy to grow.


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