Conditional Probabilities in College Algebra

Conditional Probabilities in College Algebra

Conditional Probabilities in College AlgebrasliderStudents in Ms. Zuniga’s College Algebra class this week are exploring the idea of conditional probabilities. They were introduced to this subject by examining real-life situations that use probabilities, including topics such as OJ Simpson’s trial and statistics on drunk driving. Students used these two situations to determine how conditions on probability can influence people’s perception in the wrong ways. Through analysis, students determined that the two statistics given in the OJ trial and the drunk driving scenario were misleading, and were missing very important conditions which would only then make them true. Students worked out problems using these as examples and were able to explain why conditions on probabilities are so important to consider. Students will next determine probabilities of having diseases given the fact that some tests return false positive results. Students are in the process of transitioning to an electronic classroom as well. We have recently received laptops in the classroom that can be used in group work. We have used a website called Zaption which allows them to interactively learn while also submitting electronic responses as a group. Students have participated in lessons introducing them to the idea and calculations of probability through this website. They have also been journaling this week on Padlet where they reflected on questions to be talked about in next lessons. In addition, they will be interacting with a website called BlendSpace which will allows them to guide their own learning. Using these different resources has allowed students to take control of their classroom and has also given them chances to explore math in ways they have never had the opportunities to. Digitally changing the classroom has opened many doors for these students and allowed them to grow in new and innovative ways.