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CPL @ Clemente Library
Chicago Public Library will be onhand to help students sign up for public library cards to facilitate more summer reading! Their new 81-Club Initiative will be discussed, as will internship opportunities, button making, upcycled thining, and makerspaces!
Freshmen Town Hall
Quarter 4 Town Hall. We will be discussing behavior, tech usage, PSAT preparation, and general end of the year. There will be two games with prizes. Email Hastings/Spooner/Addison with questions.
Freshmen Q3 Town Hall
Freshmen Town Hall for quarter 3.
PSAT 9 and 10 Test Day
PSAT for all students in 9th and 10th grade. This is a nonattendance day for students in 11th and 12th grade.
9th + 10th PSAT