By Gilly Dryjanski
Early last Saturday morning, Clemente students were on a bus and headed to the Museum of Science and Industry’s STEM Career Fair, Science Works. More than 100 professionals and groups from the STEM field
gathered at the museum to expose students to the exciting job opportunities possible for them in the future. Students were able to meet, discuss and try experiments with the STEM professionals; students made lotion from common household items, created art that mapped their brainwaves and shot smoke rings out of an “airzooka.”
Additionally, students were able to explore the museum beyond the STEM field. In particular, since the juniors are in the middle of their Physics course, they explored the physics of weather through a series of interactive displays and simulations. Students returned to their Freshmen roots and investigated DNA structures in the quintessential baby chicks exhibit. Another highlight was the new flight exhibit, in which students simulated the flight of birds to reach a tropical destination, designed and raced aircrafts, and examined different kinds of drones.
Thanks to the Museum of Science and Industry and the career fair! Our Clemente Wildcats have some amazing new science knowledge and are on the path to being scientists!