Ice Cream Lab

Ice Cream Lab

Ice Cream 3This week sophomores in Chemistry studied the states of matter and how they undergo phase changes. Students were able to test their knowledge on phase changes through a mini lab that investigated the reason behind why ice on the road melts when salt is added to it. After such a rough winter in Chicago last year, students were very interested in the science behind this. Through a mini lab students were able to see the effects of adding salt to ice and how it affected the temperature and composition of ice. Students graphed their results of the effect of salt on the temperature of ice and were able to determine the impact of salt on the freezing point of the ice.
We wrapped up the week by testing the students’ comprehension on phase changes and states of matter through a hands-on lab that yielded a finished product of ice cream. Students mixed milk, sugar, vanilla extract together in one small bag and placed it into larger bag filled with ice and salt. They were able to identify why a liquid would turn to a solid through being placed in a bag filled with ice and salt. Students were able to see the phase change of a liquid into a solid by freezing and got to enjoy their final product of ice cream!