Leadership Retreat & Summer Professional Development
By Nicole Kumbalek, DP & CP Coordinator
The staff at Roberto Clemente spent their summer getting ready to greet our future and current Wildcats by developing our own leadership capacity, a rigorous curriculum, and an array of student supports. The instructional leadership team got their creative juices flowing at the Catalyst Ranch where we delved into the core components of what makes an organization, like Clemente, an acade
mically and socio-emotionally supportive environment for our students. We disaggregated our data, made informed decisions based on our findings of how to best lead our teams, and reflected on our own challenges and success as leaders of the school.
To kick off the year on a strong note, the larger staff of Roberto Clemente gathered together in August to plan within departments, grade-level teams, and as a full faculty. From exploring achievement standards to discussing the concept and implications of privilege, Clemente staff members worked tirelessly to prepare for the opening of school. Led by Principal Marcey Sorensen and several teacher leaders, each staff member developed a clear vision for their role as teachers at Clemente. The staff and leadership team started the school year strong, and were prepared to carry out the mission and vision of administering a world class IB education for all students in Humboldt Park and the surrounding community.