Roberto Clemente Community Academy Local School Council Information

By law, Local School Councils (LSCs) play a role in decision-making at the local school level. The primary responsibilities of LSCs include approving how local school funds and resources are allocated, approving and monitoring the implementation of the annual Continuous School Improvement Plan (CIWP), and hiring and evaluating the school’s contract principal. The LSC determines the direction of the school in the Continuous Improvement Work Plan. The school principal is directly accountable to the LSC.
Meetings are held in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act, meaning that they are open to all. Out of respect for the elected Members, to others in attendance, and owing to the matters on the agenda, those persons who are observing the meeting are asked to refrain from questions/comments until such time as the Chair recognizes them. In most cases, there will be a short amount of time before adjournment for parents and community members to comment.
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Local School Council Members
Local School Council
Scheduled Meeting
Saturday, January 11th, 2025 from 9-10:30am
Location: Media Center on 3rd Floor
Google Meet:
Join by phone: (US) +1 402-543-0274
PIN: 717 491 222#
Local School Council Minutes
LSC Meeting Dates
Saturday, September 14 | 9:00 AM |
Saturday, October 19 | 9:00 AM |
Saturday, November 16 | 9:00 AM |
Saturday, December 14 | 9:00 AM |
Saturday, January 11 | 9:00 AM |
Saturday, February 8 | 9:00 AM |
Saturday, March 8 | 9:00 AM |
Saturday, April 12 | 9:00 AM |
Saturday, May 17 | 9:00 AM |
Saturday, May 31 | 9:00 AM |
Local School Council Responsibilities
The LSC’s major CIWP responsibilities are to:
- Provide input during the development of the plan.
- Partner with the principal and consult with the Professional Personal Leadership Committee (PPLC), the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Parent Advisory Committee (in schools with NCLB programs), and the Bilingual Advisory Committee (in schools with bilingual programs).
- Involve the school community in planning.
- Present the proposed plan to the community for input at a well-publicized meeting.
- Vote to approve, to request revisions before approval, or not to approve the plan.
- Monitor implementation of the plan.
- Amend the plan as needed.
- Participate in the school annual internal review to evaluate the success of the plan.
- Report to the public twice a year on progress and problems with implementation of the plan.
To support the implementation of the CIWP, LSCs also:
- Make recommendations to the principal on hiring personnel to fill vacant or newly-created positions.
- Make recommendations to the principal on textbook selection and curriculum development.
- Evaluate and make recommendations on teaching resources and staff.
- Advise the principal about school attendance and discipline policies.
- Grant use of school facilities for educational and social activities by outside groups when not needed by the school.
- Consider a dress code for the school, if parents request it.
- Parents are eligible for seats on the LSC of the school their children attend, as are members of each school’s community, and the teachers and non-teaching staff from the school. LSC members cannot be employees of Chicago Public Schools nor can relatives of the principal be eligible to serve on the LSC of that principal’s school. Each LSC is made up of six parents, two community members, two teachers, one non-teacher staff member and the school’s principal. LSCs are accountable to the voters in their school community through elections every two years.