SAT Test Prep

Learn more about the great student services RCCA offers
There are a number of test preparation programs that are available to students, some programs are free and others require payment. Please review the list of test prep programs that are available to RCCA Students.
Naviance offers free test prep tools for SAT and ACT Tests. Naviance is a college and career readiness tool that is used by RCCA’s Counseling Department. For more information, (click here) to watch the Sceencastify and (click here) to visit the Naviance Test Prep website.
Kaplan and Naviance have partnered together to help you prepare for life after high school—from college to your first job, and beyond. For more information about this free test prep resource, (click here) to access the website.
Khan assists students with developing a free plan to get the most out of their study time, setting realistic goals, targeting the areas where they have room for improvement, and practicing. For more information, (click here) to visit the website.
Academic Approach offers a PSAT and SAT Test preparation course to RCCA students in the fall and spring for a discounted cost. For more details about the course registration, contact Tresa Mueller( for Academic Approach Test Prep resources (click here).