Sophomore students have been working with local organizations in order to fulfill service-learning hours. Back in November, students participated in a day-long seminar to learn about the organizations they could work with. Based on this seminar and student choice, students were assigned one of the following organizations: American Red Cross, Anti-Cruelty Society, Greater Chicago Food Depository, Safeline, PRCC-BACCA, and Cook County Forest Preserve. This past week, students spent an hour meeting with their assigned organization to brainstorm ideas for generating awareness.
Many students were excited to find out which organization they had been paired with and quickly began brainstorming. Students in the Red Cross group will have the opportunity to create a Red Cross club at Clemente and expressed interest in organizing a blood drive. Some students will be heading to the Great Chicago Food Depository this week to help the organization put together food bags. Other students will tour the Anti-Cruelty society next month to begin raising awareness for the organization. Every sophomore student will be able to earn service-learning hours through their partnerships with these organizations.