Your Time is Now

Your Time is Now

By: Niambi Smith

timeisnowWho would have imagined that three years ago, I was completely confused on the college process? Three years ago I was starting my freshman year of high school. During my freshman year, college seemed extremely far away, but the time has quickly approached. Now, I am a senior who is eagerly applying to colleges and scholarships with ease. Thus far, it has been a great experience and life lesson.

I have learned that all the hard work through the years will eventually pay off; patience is key. It may feel as if you have all the time in the world, but in reality you do not. As soon as you step foot into high school, the time is ticking. Everything you do or don’t do will either help or hinder you during your senior year. Each year of high school is equally important! If you were to ask any senior if they wish they could have taken high school more seriously, they would definitely respond with a firm yes.

The first step to doing your best in high school or anything that you do, you have to believe. Once you believe, then set goals for yourself. If you have your goals in front of you, then it will not be that easy to lose focus. You will always have in the back of your head the goals that you want to accomplish. Throughout my high school career, I have put my best foot forward even in the presence of adversity. I have attempted to earn the best grades possible. I have been involved in many activities, clubs, and sports. I have earned the required service learning hours.

Colleges don’t just look at your grades and test scores even though they play a big factor in whether they want you or not. They look at your involvements, your growth, leadership abilities, and uniqueness. Colleges want to know what makes you different from everybody else that seeks to attend their school. They want to know what change and contribution you wish to bring to the world. All that you do in high school will display that. Even when you struggle, colleges want to know that because they want to know how you overcame or are overcoming that difficulty.

Always remember, anything worth having will not be easily obtained. You have to be willing to give up some hours of sleep, fun time, and anything else you like spending your time doing. Yes, you will have some free time. But, if you want to accomplish your dreams and aspirations, then you have to be discipline and set your priorities first. It is easily said than done, but that is why you have your teachers, administrators, parents, family, and friends as a support system. They are there to help you and even when you don’t believe, they will believe. Your time is now and don’t allow anything or anyone to interfere with your dream for you have a destiny and you will achieve!